Winter weather has arrived and a lot of people are bringing their electric space heaters out of storage.Portable space heaters are
Valentine’s Day is all about showing love to those who are always there for you, who never let you down and who can always m
“OMG! Not again! Honey, the basement’s flooded!”Since last week’s polar vortex and heavy snow, a lot of ar
Dangerously cold weather has arrived. Are you finding out just how drafty your home really is? If yours is like the average home,
We’ve barely made it into November and already meteorologists are forecasting snow in Michigan. Don’t get me wrong, I
What to do When Your AC Breaks UnexpectedlyWe all know what it feels like to be stuck inside with no air conditioner. Summer days
Who hates pollen? Raise your hand.WOW! It’s nice to know I’m not alone. Not to sound like a NyquilLink opens in a new