HVAC Blower Motors: Everything You Need To Know

Are you struggling to maintain optimal airflow in your home? You might have a problem with your HVAC blower motor. The blower motor manages the power behind the hot and cool air circulating out from your HVAC system. This essential component of your HVAC system is responsible for evenly distributing heat, improving energy efficiency, and maximizing indoor ventilation.

Gaining a better understanding of blower motor function will help you to keep it running properly and recognize when it isn’t.

What Is a Blower Motor and Why Is It Important?

The HVAC blower motor is an essential piece of any HVAC system. This component provides power to the blow fan, which is needed to keep air moving through the system properly. The blower motor helps ensure consistent heating or cooling throughout the home. It also helps improve indoor air quality. When your blow motor operates efficiently, it can also help improve energy efficiency and lower your energy bills.

How Does a Blower Motor Work in an HVAC System?

The HVAC blower motor is the component that turns on your system’s fan, pushing the hot or cold air out of the unit and into your home. Air heating systems such as electric and gas furnaces, air conditioners, heat pumps, and mini-splits all utilize a blower motor to transfer this air.

Anytime your thermostat communicates to your heating or cooling system that the temperature settings are not being met, your system will kick on. It’s the job of your blower motor to then operate the fan to circulate that produced air.

Types of Blower Motors and Their Benefits

There are different types of blower motors, and each operates slightly differently. Here's how the most common options compare:

  • Single-Speed: This motor will run at a single speed and turn off when the set temperature is reached. Single-speed blower motors tend to be less expensive and easier to install. However, they aren't as energy-efficient and are more susceptible to general wear and tear.
  • Variable Speed: This motor will constantly run at various lower speeds to continue air circulation throughout your home. The demand for air will determine the variation in speed that this motor will provide. For these reasons, a variable motor is typically more energy-efficient and creates a more consistent temperature.
  • Direct Current Motors: These are an energy-efficient option that automatically adjusts airflow based on the system's output. These HVAC blower motors are an investment and typically require professional installation.
  • Permanent Split Capacitor: These motors are set at a fixed speed, making them less energy-efficient than other options. You also have less control over the airflow of the system.

Where to Locate the Blower Motor in Your HVAC System

The exact HVAC blower motor location will vary slightly depending on the system type and model. For most furnaces, your blower motor will be located in the base of the unit next to the air filter. For most ACs and heat pumps, it will be located inside the air handler (i.e., the indoor unit). It’s also possible that certain units may share a blower motor in the air handler—typically with an AC and furnace.

For a mini-split system, each indoor unit will have its own blower motor that is typically located behind the air handler casing and between the control panel and the fan blade.

In some cases, your blower motor may be tucked behind many wires and parts, so if you’re not having any luck locating it in your unit, it’s best to leave the navigation and service to the experts.

Signs Your Blower Motor Might Need Attention

If you notice weak airflow, humming noises, or uneven heating or cooling, your HVAC blower motor might not be operating correctly. Blower motors typically last around 10 to 20 years, so if your HVAC system is older, it may be time to invest in a replacement.

Here are other common signs to look for:

  • Weak or zero airflow from vents
  • Unusual noises or smells coming from the HVAC unit
  • Higher energy bills for the same amount of heated or cooled air
  • A burning smell caused by overheating
  • Rattling or humming noises coming from your HVAC system

Though you could be spot-on in assuming your blower motor needs replacing, it’s possible there are one or more other concurrent issues with your HVAC system. HVAC systems require regular maintenance and annual inspections to run properly. To avoid costly replacements and ongoing issues, schedule regular maintenance with your local Aire Serv®. We offer residential and commercial HVAC services.

Related Topic: What Can Cause a Furnace to Stop Working?

Simple Maintenance Tips for Blower Motors

With proper maintenance and preventative care, you can extend the longevity of your HVAC blower motor and improve operational efficiency. Here are some steps you can take to keep your blower motor in excellent condition:

  • Replace your air filters every six to nine months.
  • Keep the motor bearings lubricated.
  • Check and replace the fan belt if you notice signs of wear and tear.
  • Remove any dirt, grime, or dust to avoid clogged filters.
  • Schedule a maintenance checkup with an Aire Serv professional.

Whether your blower motor is old or experiencing other issues, the Aire Serv team is here to help you improve your blower motor function.

Related Topic: How to Clean a Gas Furnace

When to Consider Replacing the Blower Motor

Some problems can't be fixed with simple maintenance. If your blower motor is over 10-15 years old, it might be time to consider a replacement. You may also need to replace your system if you have ongoing temperature control, electrical, or fan issues.

If you need to replace your blower motor, consider upgrading to a variable-speed motor. These motors are more energy-efficient and last longer than the other standard models, offering long-term saving opportunities and improving the overall performance of your HVAC system.

Let Aire Serv Troubleshoot Your Blower Motor Issues

The blower motor is the power behind your HVAC’s air circulation. If it’s not operating at peak efficiency, your home won’t be able to easily reach its normal, comfortable temperature. If you suspect a faulty or broken blower motor, contact your local Aire Serv professional. We respond promptly to emergency needs and have the knowledge and experience to diagnose and fix the problem so you and your family stay comfortable throughout the year. Give us a call today or request an appointment online to get started.

This article is intended for general guidance only and may not be applicable to every situation. You are responsible for determining the proper course of action for your property and your situation. Aire Serv is not responsible for any damages that occur as a result of any advice or guidance derived from blog content. For the most accurate guidance, contact an independently owned and operated Aire Serv for more information and a professional on-site assessment.